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A type of word that represents an entity (tangible or intangible). Can be represented by a Noun Phrase (NP) which contains a nucleus and surrounding quantifiers and modifiers.


Causer / Voluntary Subject

The ü particle precedes this noun phrase.

During causative sentences, a NP with this role represents the causer. Otherwise, an NP with this role will be the agent or experiencer of the action. The nature of this role is that the marked noun phrase is making the choice to commit the act of the predicate of their own free will.

When used with the negatitive particle yök it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the subject of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but by something other than the marked noun phrase.

Causee / Involuntary Subject

The ölë particle precedes this noun phrase.

During causative sentences, a NP with this role will represent the causee. Otherwise, an NP with this role will be the agent or experiencer of the action. The nature of this role is that the marked noun phrase is not making the choice to commit the act of their own free will. Either they are bound/forced to xe so or they xe not have the wherewithal to make a conscious choice on the matter and are acting out of some basic instinst.

When used with the negatitive particle yök it has the same semantic interpretation as the voluntary subject particle.

Patient, Theme, Stimulus (Direct Object)

No particle precedes this noun phrase, instead it exists immediately following the verb that is being used. Verbs act like prepositions when they are preceded by verb markers or no marker at all.

The role of this object is for the special thematic argument to transitive verbs. The argument (the direct object) can be broken down into sub-types: a patient, a theme, or a stimulus. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "to" and "into" (many English verbs don't rely on a preposition particle to introduce their direct object).

Base Verbs Without This Particle

Not using this particle can have an impact on how base verb sentences are interpreted. Without providing a direct object, a base verb is interpreted as being intransitive or in an unthematic and generic manner (since no theme is being provided). That being said, sometimes it's easiest to just think of an implicit existing in the direct object slot.

A patient is an entity that undergoes the action and changes state in some manner. A theme is an entiy that undergoes the action but doesn't change state. A stimulus is an entity that prompts or triggers the emotional or sensory action that is being described. These kinds of direct objects aren't separately marked because which kind of object is being specified can be determined from the verb that is being used.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the argument of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with an object that is something other than the marked noun phrase.

Instrument or Manner

The vio particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent some entity that was used to carry out the action. It can also represent the way or manner with which the action was carried out. In English, this represents some of the senses of the words "with", "using", and "via".

Thematic Relations

This preposition and the remaining described here can be used with intransitive and transitive verb predicates and are only needed in certain circumstances when extra thematic information is useful to describing the predicate in a new way. These prepositions are known as true thematic relations. Subjects (ü or ölë) are honorary members of the thematic relation club since they are usually called morphosyntactic arguments. They are included in the same class of word as the true thematic relations to simplify the grammatical system. This system is what allows the language to have free constituent ordering.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the manner of instrument of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but in a manner or with an object that is something other than the marked noun phrase. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "without".

Location or Time

The hoi particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent where or when the action occurs. In English, this represents some of the senses of the words "in", "at", and "on".

The counterpart of this particle is lon for distance and duration. Unlike that particle, when you provide an amount of time to hoi it means the length of time that it took to achieve the task specified in the rest of the predicate.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the location or time of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but at a location or time that is somewhere other than the marked noun phrase.

Direction or Destination (Indirect Object)

The müt particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent where the action is directed towards. In English, this represents some of the senses of the words "to", "into", and "towards". Any time you might need an indrect object or *recipient, you can use this preposition to describe that constituent.


When you use this preposition with an NP of:

it means that the predicate is a reciprocal action which means that it happened between the subjects instead of the subjects directing that action towards some other referred entity.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the recipient of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with recipient that is something other than the marked noun phrase.

Source or Origin

The sün particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent where the action originated. In English, this represents nearly all of the senses of the word "from" (except for differentiation and causation).

noyo döstoc lipü in luvono sün sıskın moskül noyo. I got a letter from my brother.

nimü köi döstoc yök vısun nëös sün nec öni tüek nucoto. You can't get all your news from the Internet.

tömös övo sün dus eson tukwos dus. This manuscript is from the 1980s.

niün yünyoü si tömös xe hoı zomo mulö sün sokovü müt deku. He had books piled from floor to ceiling.

niün si cok hoi lono xopëk sün sınsi Xıkogö. He departed yesterday from Chicago.

küu pono elentët sün pëlëtë. Face away from the wall!

lono kon wëloı sün suhot eson müt suhot tiü.The working day runs from 9 am to 5 pm.

köi wedo oxon doinpi sün lono dus xëti wuto xëti. Tickets are available from 17th July.

düstu tönkö nimü sün kut müt dus. Rate your pain from 1 to 10.

küu socok xe köto mikdol sün kut. Start counting from 1.

nimü köi pëüdo ozüul sün söhoük müt kon cukto. You can study anything from math to literature.

küu dënëmëk xe dëko sün pındü niün dëko. Try to see it from his point of view.

sün mulö nıwos küon ü nimü yoüti köi dëko pümi cënpö möi. From the top of the lighthouse you can just see the mainland.

düi dus sün son dus kut di önsu. 20 from 31 leaves 11.

lipü gelmıs voko mevüs lono möcipo pön xe mevüs sün lozö pinton lono. A parasol protects from the sun's rays.

köson sün ülögun nulun sëlpö sovin. It's made from pure gold.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the source or origin of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a source or origin that is something other than the marked noun phrase.

Beneficiary or Purpose

The oxon particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent for whose benefit the action occurs or the reason for the action. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "for".

The many faces of the English "for"

There are many varying uses of the English word "for" and they don't all line up under oxon so I'd like to take a moment to run through most of the interpretations that are in the wiktionary entry.

  1. ⛔ Towards; in the direction of.

    umo kösmö müt müësi. The astronauts headed for the moon.

    küu viki müt pümi töxütsı. Run for the hills!

    niün müt zınkon hön woküt vos niün punyentoc si hoi. He was headed for the door when he remembered.

  2. ✅ Directed at; intended to belong to.

    noyo yünyoü vın oxon nimüI have something for you.

  3. ✅ In order to help, benefit, gratify, honor etc. (someone or something).

    hön möi vın vos noyo tüu, ü noyo tüu oxon nimü. Everything I do, I do for you.

    yünyoü köndodü lono kon lözic oxon umo Zëenıt. We're having a birthday party for Janet.

    öni pöklön cüdo si köto in ondo oxon köndodü kon cüdo yöüli. The mayor gave a speech for the charity gala.

  4. ✅ Befitting of someone’s beliefs, needs, wants, skills, or tastes; best suited to.

    hön vos xe wëko mokon hoi zuko dündon, eswen en vos nimü köi tüu, pinë wëloı övo oxon yök nimü. If having to bag the groceries correctly is more than you can handle, then this isn't the job for you.

  5. ✅ To be used or treated in a stated way, or with a stated purpose.

    övo gongoxi ülögun nëös oxon oütö gisgül noyo. This is a new bell for my bicycle.

    piek süwit onö oxon köndodü üsën dizël umo Tomu ün Helen. The cake is for Tom and Helen's anniversary.

    küöxı övo hoi övo oxon xe mokon. dizel oxon xe ëo vonmot. These apples here are for eating. The rest are for throwing away.

  6. ✅ Supporting, in favour of. (Antonym: against)

    noi möi umo xe oxon pësnëhot, küu ëo mulö ölë züngö nimü. All those for the motion, raise your hands.

    zık oxon mozün pukü. Who's for ice-cream?

    noyo oxon xe vio oütö kiskö. I'm for going by train.

    dus göcidon si oxon ün son dën. Ten voted for, and three against. (with implied object)

  7. ⛔ Because of.

    niün moskül pit köto yök vos niün zütö , ün nënko ulyö ü niün wohi pëmon yök xe yöüli müt niün moskül.He wouldn't apologize; and just for that, she refused to help him.

    niün xoinpo dëko xön eswen nënko xe nocido si pügot. He looks better for having lost weight. (UK usage)

    noyo süko niün nënko ëto mötivö. I like her for lots of reasons.

  8. ✅ Intended to cure, remove or counteract; in order to cure, remove or counteract.

    cigilsu in mokon oxon hüstun nimü. This medicine is for your cough.

    noyo puswen xe ıspulyol nozi hoi nıwos oxon müxi mitmo nomü. I need to spray my house for termites.

  9. ⛔ Over (a period of time).

    noyo nıwos hoi övo lon son üsën. I've lived here for three years.

    niün köntësto lon yoüti lono hön nüyo kon cukto mitetën. They fought for days over a silly pencil.

  10. ⛔ Throughout or across (a distance in space).
  11. ⛔ Used to introduce a subject of a to-infinitive clause.

    vos öni vıyüxit cüdo yök muni oksiös , yök üsowo. It is unreasonable for our boss to withhold our wages.

    noyo tölki völun vos nimü xowosë. All I want is for you to be happy.

  12. ✅ On behalf of.

    noyo wedo cızi oxon niün. I will stand in for him.

    noyo köto oxon öni pöklön wik.I speak for the Prime Minister.

  13. ⛔ In the role or capacity of; instead of; in place of.
  14. ⛔ In exchange for; in correspondence or equivalence with.

    noyo döstoc tiü viyën muni nënko xe wedo oütö nokdo voxo. I got five hundred pounds for that old car!

  15. ✅ In order to obtain or acquire.

    noyo pelëxu oxon mülü xe hoi könyëc küngiyo lono cınöpu. I am aiming for completion by the end of business Thursday.

    niün pëüdo oxon cëo mulö ëto. He's going for his doctorate.

    nimü völun xe oxon iskö ülzo ko. xe you want to go for coffee?

    umo xe nıwos hoi möi poxö küöcyo Elovo, diyondë si umo Delvi oxon zuwopü. People all over Greece looked to Delphi for answers.

    nimü köi müt guvuyo oxon yoüti hüwu ko. Can you go to the store for some eggs?

    noyo wëko muni söpo oxon oütö. I'm saving up for a car.

    küu motsı yök oxon zuwopü. Don't wait for an answer.

    niün sölü müt nimü oxon zık. What did he ask you for?

  16. ⛔ By the standards of, usually with the implication that those standards are lower than one might otherwise expect; considering.

    üsowo hön woküt . Fair for its day.

    niün kiösö hön umo wohi nokdo. She's spry for an old lady.

    niün ovinë ëto hön düi üsën nokdo. He's very mature, for a two-year-old.

  17. ⛔ To be, or as being.

    küu oncëmon yök noyo mıslı umo göwo. Don't take me for a fool.

  18. ⛔ (usually in the phrase 'for all') Despite, in spite of.

    hön möi kon pëüdo niün wilüwo ëto yök xoinpo ü vos niün colot ëto.For all his expensive education, he didn't seem very bright.

  19. ✅ Indicating something desired or anticipated.

    oxon nıxin timiok pipök. O for the wings of a dove.

    oxon nıxin vos vio nu. Ah! for wings to soar …

    hön ipüdü oxon cöüvon cëo kut ze. And now for a slap-up meal!

  20. ⛔ (in expressions such as 'for a start') Introducing the first item(s) in a potential sequence .

    tüu kon dodë vio woyü in pesol nu. hön kut vın ü noyo köi dodë yök löicök. Go scuba diving? For one thing, I can't even swim.

    hön dizel yünyoü yök ozüul yön. For another, we don't have any equipment.

  21. ✅ (with names, chiefly US) In honor of; after.

    somo müt niün oxon motüo motüo niün. He is named for his grandfather.

  22. ⛔ (UK) Due for or facing (a certain outcome or fate).

    niün ëo kopüt mülü ölë mëdüson in ondo ulyö. niün ipüdü pono xe nocido wëloı niün löicök. He totally screwed up that project. Now he's surely for the sack.

  23. ⛔ (chiefly US) Out of; used to indicate a fraction, a ratio

    hön öni kut kon xopo poxö ü umo Zönsı si son vun nonkü hoi lono. In terms of base hits, Jones was three for four on the day.

  24. ⛔ (cricket) Used as part of a score to indicate the number of wickets that have fallen.

    hoi könyëc kelo ü küöcyo Ingulındu son viyën tiü vun son. At close of play, England were 305 for 3.

  25. ⛔ Used in various more-or-less idiomatic ways to construe individual verbs, indicating various semantic relationships such as target, purpose, result, etc.; see also the entries for individual phrasal verbs, e.g. ask for, look for, stand for, etc.

    xe ëo wuktomü ölë poxö vos umo si hoito account for one's whereabouts

    xe diyondë umo litıweto care for a relative

    xe wovok xön möi düito settle for second best

    xe cülosun voütto allow for mistakes

  26. ✅ (nonstandard) So (that), in order to

    niün gomi si woküt kon wëloı xe gıtno lono ün pıtün, oxon vos niün köi döstoc eswen woküt otıkon. He took the swing shift for he could get more overtime.

When oxon used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the beneficiary/purpose of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a beneficiary/purpose that is something other than the marked noun phrase.


The nënko particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent what caused the action to occur or a past reason that led to the action. Not to be confused with the causer of the action (ü), this NP would represent a broader sense including what caused the causer. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "because".

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the cause of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a cause that is something other than the marked noun phrase. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "despite".


The ovek particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent a fellow actor that is also engaged in the same action as the subject. However, the NP is not considered a subject of the sentence. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "with".

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from participating in the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a participant that is something other than the marked noun phrase. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "without".

Context or Condition

The hön particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent an overarching topic, contextual detail, or a condition for the underlying sentence. In English, this represents some of the senses of the words "regarding", "given", "as for", and "when".

noyo yünyoü sölü hön zuwopü ılık. "I have a question regarding your earlier answers."

Also, when you would like to utilize an adjective complement to complete the meaning of a subject complete (), you would place the complement in a hön NP.

noyo xowosë hön vos nimü köto si ulyö. "I am happy that you said that"

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the topic or context of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a topic/context that is something other than the marked noun phrase. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "regardless".

umo Depölo mokon si ünvünö nomü hön yök longı . "Deborah ate the broccoli regardless its color."


The dën particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that either represent a special kind of goal/agent for verbs that indicates an opposing agent for verbs that indicate an action that is oppositional (where both sides are engaging in an opposing action). In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "against".

tüu kutın hön xe oütö ximu vio woyü dën pono woyü. "It is hard work to sail against the wind."

nimü dën völni göcidon ko. "Are you against freedom of choice?"

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the counter-agent of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a counter-agent that is something other than the marked noun phrase.


The oldıs particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent proof or an information source that the specified action is known or believed to have occurred, is occurring, or will occur. In English, this represents some of the senses of the phrases "or so", "per", and "according to".

hoi mötö ılık onö ü niün si tönkö mötö oldıs vos dizel köto. He was burned in the fire or so they say.

oldıs yöcno kon köson ü voko ünidü pılit di ülgükin hoi düi dus nonkü suhot. According to the directions, the glue takes 24 hours to dry.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the proof/source of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with proof or a source that is something other than the marked noun phrase.

Distance or Duration

The lon particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for NPs that represent the time or space that the action occurs within. This role is related to the location/time role but it represents finite physical space or actual time periods. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "for".

noyo köi dëko lon yoüti öni kut cënpö mönpılı. "I can see for kilometres"

nimü lon üsën zık. "How old are you?"

niün köntësto vio köto lon yoüti lono hön döcui. They argued for days over a toy.

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the distance or duration of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with a duration or distance that is something other than the marked noun phrase.


The gıtno particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for either a NP that represents the a time or physical entity that the action occurs between or a conjunction of two NPs that represent two boundaries in time or space that the action occurs between. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "between".

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is either excluded from being the intermediary entity of the committed act of the predicate or that the act itself was committed but with an intermediary that is something other than the marked noun phrase.


The mıslı particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for a NP that represents something that the action or state of the predicate resembles or is a likeness of. It can also be used to introduce a simile. In English, this represents some of the senses of the words "like" and "as". When used with a subordinate clause, it can also represent the English phrase "as if".

xoinpo dëko ü loı mıslı sıskın loı. "He looks like his brother."

si tüu künhiun pis ü umo moskül nokdo mıslı xe ke zigil. "The old man stumbled, as if he were about to fall."

When used with the negatitive particle yök, it means that the marked noun phrase is not a likeness of the action or state of the predicate. In English, the word "unlike" would be an equivalent.

mıslı yök nimü yök öni cıvulo xön ëto ü noyo. "Unlike you, I'm not a great dancer."


The particle precedes this noun phrase.

This role is used for a NP that is describing the preceding noun or verb phrase in some contextually dependent manner. In English, this represents some of the senses of the word "of".

niün xoinpo vonmot kon oncëmon umo. "He seemed devoid of human feelings."

pëmon in cukto köi di niltügu hoi ozüul woküt hön pëmon möi düi zomo. "The contract can be terminated at any time with the agreement of both parties."

This particle isn't used with the negatitive particle yök because it's meant to describe nouns through associating other nouns and there's already an existing way to describe zero nouns (xünyu). You can achieve a similar kind of negative association by using a relative clause.


Converting from the other content types into nouns.


When a verb acts as a noun, it represents an archetypal object that has or will be involved in the happening of that verb action. Like "-ed" in English but also there are many concrete terms that English has to refer to these entities already. These are direct objects, patients and themes that would be logical to use in a sentence where you use that verb.


When a modifier acts as a noun, it means an uncountable quality and/or degree of being a given state. Like the affix "-ness" in English. One way of making a noun out of a modifier is to provide it as the nucleus of a verb or a preposition phrase. Verbs and preposition particles always take the word is immediately following it as a noun derivation of that word and it is the nucleus of the preposition phrase (as long as it's a content word, other prepositions can cause argument to be skipped).

wölık nëlö pön küyö"Black clouds cause sadness."

Another way is to create a genitive phrase by preceding the modifier with the particle. This particle means that whatever word type that the word immediately following it is, take the noun derivation of that word type.

This is especially useful for the typical reason that genitive phrases are useful: it allows you to describe a quality with some modifiers of its own. One of the most common usages is when adding a degree to a modifier:

Since Hisyëö has less than 800 words, using genitive phrases with modifiers allows you to create more complex phrases that would require several sentences to formulate otherwise.

Noun Clauses

A noun can be concrete or abstract, it doesn't have to be some physical entity or even a finite state. It can be a process or really anything that you might want to refer to and use as a subject or object of a sentence. In Hisyëö, you can create these complex nouns by building sentences within a special clause called a Noun Clause. In order to create one of these clauses, you must start with a particle. There are two special words available that can be used to introduce a noun clause:

  1. xe - Use this one for infinitives and gerunds
  2. vos - Use this one for complete inner sentences

After this particle, you start your sentence. In the infinitive/gerund form, you do not provide an agent/experiencer (subject) of the sentence because this is the nature of how infinitives are used: a noun that refers to the meaning expressed by the inner sentence but referred holisitically as an object in the outer sentence.

ëo govon ölë noyo ü xe cöüvon micin. "Cooking fish makes me disgusted"

Beware the similarity between gerunds and the abstract particle

While these noun clause gerunds are very useful, you must be careful to discern the distinction of meaning between the gerund usage of a noun clause leading particle and the abstract particle preceding a content word. The abstract form should be thought of as "acts of" or "matters of" which should be seen as more of a loose relationship than using a noun clause as a gerund. "acts/matters of eating meat" means something different from "eating meat".

The first sentence implies that the speaker hates specifically the act of eating meat whereas the second sentence implies that the speaker hates matters of meat eating altogether which broadens the hate to anything related to the act or its part in human life or otherwise.

The other form of noun phrase (vos) includes a subject or if one is not provided then, like a normal sentence, it should be intepreted as "there is" or "it is" depending on the predicate that is provided. This form of noun phrase is useful when you need to introduce a clause that changes (or removes) the subject from the underlying sentence. Some verbs primarily are used with some form of noun clause as their object and this form allows for a complete sentence to be included as that object.

noyo völun vos nimü völun noyo"I want you to want me"

noyo xiwon vos suhot tiü"I wish that it was 5 o'clock"

English indirect object

The English sentence in the translation above "I want you to want me" is using an indirect object of "you" and an direct object infinitve phrase of "to want me". This might seem like the wrong translation since there is a preposition that Hisyëö typically uses for indirect objects. This is just an example of some of the irregular English grammar around the use of the verb "to want". In Hisyëö, the best approach is to use a finite noun phrase where the indirect object of the English sentence is now the subject of the inner noun clause.

There are other uses of these same clause particles as relative clause introducers and you can learn more about those usages in the Modifiers chapter.