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The new year is almost here. I am excited to keep growing the learning materials here on this site and eventually also making some lesson videos. I want 2025 to be the Year of Hisyëö.

üsën nëös onö bı cokyen hoi öfo. noyo lı hizon oxon xe wuitsi xe liun mötowo kon bëüdo hoi boxö öfo ün bı zelen bı ütok sobıs non kon bëüdo. noyo fölun üsën 2025 xe lı üsën yë hiskünco Hisyëö.

· 2 min read

Sand dunes in the Idehan Ubari, Libya

I had some debate last week about "sand" and although you can formulate the concept as "finely ground rocks", it felt like it was a bit too much extra word play for what is a common concept. I found a word that also is used as beaches in the native language. This felt particularly useful as a head word for named beaches in Hisyëö. I debated also adding a word for gravel but I came up with this set of terms which I think is fine. Gravel didn't feel nearly as useful in describing other things as sand did.

· One min read

dënëmëk ü noyo cö xe yosten cö mötowo oxon xe di cö dönüxın yë hiskünco Hisyëö. köi gö yë boxö kon socok xön ü goniso noyo. yök. xön eswen ü xe bëüdo cö xe ëo dönüxın yë ëto mötowo yë öni cukto dizel. buswen somö ü noyo cö xe yosten cö tüu xe gö oxon kon yön fölni.

goniso ü noyo cö xe si yosten cö fın dündon oxon wëloı: tömös Kiso Hıklıhos Yë Noüku Ëto. ke dënëmëk ü noyo cö xe ëo mülü ölë möi kiso sün tömös kut yë zünlo kut (wuto kut, 1930).

I am trying to find content for translating into the Hisyëö language. My thoughts might be a good starting place. No. Better to learn to make translations of much content of other writers. I only need to find a work that is free to use.

I think that I have found the correct thing for the job: Astounding Stories of Super Science. I will try to complete all the stories from the volume 1, number 1 (January 1930).

· One min read

ëo xowosë ölë noyo ü xe möniso cö mötowo kut hoi yogö zentık Hisyëö.

toswil yë döcui nulun Dokyüsölus ü öfo:

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