Shannon Test Sentences
- Original creator: Gary Shannon
- Original location:
- Last copy on Internet Archive:
- Source Location:
- Total number of sentences: 218
- Latin
- ɽʋʄꜿɟʌ
binton lono boifön küon. The sun shines.
binton lono boifön küon bı möcibo. The sun is shining.
binton lono boifön si küon. The sun shone.
binton lono ke boifön küon. The sun will shine.
binton lono lı si kon boifön küon. The sun has been shining.
binton lono boifön küon bı möcibo bı dizel The sun is shining again.
binton lono ke boifön küon hoi lono uklo. The sun will shine tomorrow.
binton lono boifön küon bı ëto. The sun shines brightly.
binton lono yë küon ëto boifön küon. The bright sun shines.
binton lono di cën bı möcibo hoi ibüdü. The sun is rising now.
möi umo onö bı oltü öitun si. All the people shouted.
yoüti umo bı oltü öitun si. Some of the people shouted.
ëto umo bı oltü öitun bı düi. Many of the people shouted twice.
umo xowosë bı ëto bı oltü öitun. Happy people often shout.
mocko xonluk onö tüu si zoston bı cën. The kitten jumped up.
mocko xonluk onö tüu si zoston müt solwöc miëbıl. The kitten jumped onto the table.
mocko xonluk cüti noyo lı si lö bı cok. My little kitten walked away.
lı hüzon bı möcibo. It's raining.
hüzon onö di si sël. The rain came down.
mocko xonluk onö bı möcibo kelo hoi hüzon onö. The kitten is playing in the rain.
niltügu si hüzon onö. The rain has stopped.
bı zelen ke niltügu hüzon onö. Soon the rain will stop.
noyo xiwon fos bı zelen niltügu hüzon onö. I hope the rain stops soon.
bı kut ü zonwul hönyo nıwos si öfo. Once wild animals lived here.
bı dilë ü niün fohoso si ünhılun niün. Slowly she looked around.
nimü küu lı lö. You should go.
noyo ke lı xowosë hön xe lı lö. I will be happy to go.
niün ke lı gik bı zelen. He will arrive soon.
gundolë yë lözic onö lı si tulkolyun bı cok. The baby's ball has rolled away.
düi umo moskül xonluk onö wëloı bı möcibo ofek xokön dizel. The two boys are working together.
üsmon ximu onö bı könën ke di fonmot. This mist will probably clear away.
inboli hosin lı niök hoi xokön. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
nü küu mokon bı dilë eswen. We should eat more slowly.
nimü di si hoi öfo bı hëlxun otıkon. You have come too soon.
nimü küu cukto bı müfëü eswen. You must write more neatly.
hön elentët müstokin lı totsı ü nıwos moxo cënbö küzoü. Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
zowo yë umo Henli nocido si titon niün. Henry's dog is lost.
mocko noyo lı nëlö. My cat is black.
döcui umo yë umo wohi xonluk cüti onö lı kobüt. The little girl's doll is broken.
noyo bı sodolun lı conzodo sunbülno. I usually sleep soundly.
mënyüu onö bı fiki lı lö oxon xe doicël umo Zek. The children ran after Jack.
noyo köi kelo cıhöü kon bëüdo. I can play after school.
nü lı si lö müt sınsi oxon xe monodo. We went to the village for a visit.
nü lı si gik hoi xüto. We arrived at the river.
noyo motsı si bı möcibo oxon nimü. I have been waiting for you.
öni mühoyon onö sıtyo si hoi ünhılun yë mötö onö. The campers sat around the fire.
umo wohi xonluk cüti xe ofek mocko xonluk, sıtyo si hoi fëlkonö noyo. A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
mënyüu onö motsı si hoi zınkon oxon motüo moskül niün. The child waited at the door for her father.
hoi lono xobëk ü umo wohi xonluk yë nokdo möi en ozüul yë sınsi onö nocido si mocko xonluk niün. Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
lözic si nimü hoi sınsi öfo ko. Were you born in this village?
sıskın moskül nimü köi lı cıfulo bı xön ko. Can your brother dance well?
umo moskül onö lı si cok ko. Did the man leave?
sıskın wohi nimü lı gik oxon nimü ko. Is your sister coming for you?
nimü köi lı gik hoi lono uklo ko. Can you come tomorrow?
öni nıwos fëlkonö lı si cok hön yogö üsën cunyü. Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
timiok hünsık bı sodolun kontol hoi hüzon ko. Does the robin sing in the rain?
nimü lı lö ofek nü müt sikin kon kontol. Are you going with us to the concert?
nimü hoi ozüul woküt tulutı biömu nomü hüzon ko. Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
nü oütö tö woyü müt cën yë xüto onö lon yoüti mönbılı xokön. We sailed down the river for several miles.
xokön umo fısun kon wëtodü. Everybody knows about hunting.
hoi lono küon xe cıhöü woküt fos binton lono socok xe di fëlkonö eswen, ü nü socok si müt tohılök bümi. On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
umo Ton lı si liülë nënko cülci yë fonolon. Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
umo moskül nokdo xe ofek nüyo yë kon lö wowoë, lı si totsı hoi söbo yë bëlëtë gosil. An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
ölë nıwos yë cüi nomü lı si ëo ficwo ü tolën nomü weltö. The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.
oüdi cüti motsı si bı sonti hoi sël yë bölfëlë hüzon bukü müt binton lono yë yogö üsën niök et yë tüt yoüti. The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
ëto umo wohi xonluk xe ofek wutun inboli xe hoi wik, lı cıfulo hoi ünhılun yë mötö fimösyös. Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
öni doknü onö yë dıbo yë hülü in zohit et onö lı si zigil müt sokofü. The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
umo moskül xonluk kut onö yë gito onö niltügu si hoi zınkon kon gik. The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
hoi solwöc yë töxütsı bümi hoi limien yë nıwos cüti nıwos si ü umo wohi nokdo colot. On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
hoi woküt yë kon nıwos yë fenüo londuluk onö ü nü bı ëto lı lö tö wowoë hoi comen zonwul onö. During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.
hoi woküt zık ü monodo sün sınsi cënbö ke lı gik. When will your guests from the city arrive?
hoi fëlkonö yë göyu onö yë xüto onö ü titon nı lı si ınfultin bı cies müt kılukü. Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.
gıtno düi tohılök bümi ıwotë lı tıgoyo ü fenüo süböl yë bümi sël. Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley.
gıtno gos lisik liun si inboli hünsık ıwotë. Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.
ölë ziziyo len onö yë ëto nomü onö lı ëo funlit sün bümi onö. The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.
binton lono onö bı sël gıtno tolën nomü dëko si mënyüu onö xe kelo. The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.
woyü fitikös üslëk söbo ënkömön mıslı kon okülo sütüö. The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.
küldü onö yë doi lı si tulutı sokofü bı tulkolyun. The spool of thread rolled across the floor.
dıbo yë gos xe liun, lı si totsı hoi kümun oboki. A box of growing plants stood in the Window.
noyo lı xowosë ëto. I am very happy.
küöxı nomü zingu öfo yünyoü ëto mötowo yë iskö küöxı. These oranges are juicy.
ximu xömütlö lı xöboi. Sea water is salty.
titon onö lı mülü yë umo. The streets are full of people.
bölfëlë süwit sobölë ëo süwit. Sugar tastes sweet.
mötö onö oncëmon ëo tüt The fire feels hot.
fos umo wohi xonluk cüti oncëmon tölki, lı xoinbo. The little girl seemed lonely.
motüo moskül yë umo moskül xonluk cüti bı kut fun lı si öni tulutı xömütlö. The little boy's father had once been a sailor.
noyo nocido si libü bolce nulun noyo. I have lost my blanket.
timiok yë wıkse cınöbu köson si nıwos niün hoi nomü onö yë küöxı hünsık süwit. A robin has built his nest in the apple tree.
hoi mutyu lono ü nü mokon si cöüfon nü hoi söbo titon. At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.
umo Zönsu kös si öni wëtü oxon umo moskül xonluk cüti niün. Mr. Jones made a knife for his little boy.
ëtsö yë öitun niün lı xoinbo yë xowosë ëto. Their voices sound very happy.
lono öfo lı lono düsul ko. Is today Monday?
woloko onö lı si zigil sün nomü ko. Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
nimü ke ondo si cızi hoi woküt ko. Will you be ready on time?
nimü ke lufono cukto öfo oxon noyo ko. Will you send this message for me?
nimü bı möcibo motsı noyo ko. Are you waiting for me?
öfo lı lözic mocko kut yë zomo kon lözic ko. Is this the first kitten of the litter?
foko mefüs wowoë öfo lı otıkon cënbö hön nimü ko. Are these shoes too big for you?
bı zık lı nulto ü xüto. How wide is the River?
küu sıtyo öfo yë fëlkonö noyo. Sit here by me.
ölë öfo küu lı ëo cosni möcibo ılık lono uklo. Keep this secret until tomorrow.
küu lı cok ofek nü. Come with us.
küu oköt sütüö nimü ofek nimü. Bring your friends with you.
küu diyondë bı cönkök. Be careful.
küu yünyoü yoüti iskö höncöü. Have some tea.
umo Bıpu ün zowo niün lı si sütüö ëto. Pip and his dog were great friends.
umo Zon ün umo Ilısopet lı sıskın. John and Elizabeth are brother and sister.
nimü ün noyo ke lı lö ofek xokön dizel. You and I will go together.
niün lı ëo but ölë möi zınkon ün kümun oboki. They opened all the doors and windows.
niün lı cüti lëkın len. He is small, but strong.
müt nomü öfo tö hiskünco İngulıc somo nomü Ök yodo nomü Mëpul ko. Is this tree an oak or a maple?
okoxu lı xoinbo in dëko mıslı zöi yodo düsul ko. Does the sky look blue or gray?
küu lı lö ofek motüo moskül yodo motüo wohi. Come with your father or mother.
noyo lı bicüon lëkın lı xowosë ëto. I am tired, but very happy.
niün kelo kontol tö yön in kontol yë mököfo in üslëk et küzoü niün. He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
müt könyëc yë wuto tukwos ü lono di ëto gosil eswen. Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.
zomo cënbö yë umo güexo tulutı töxütsı bümi onö ün comen onö. A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
yogö kut yë kiso lı foko sunyotni ëto. The first part of the story is very interesting.
timiok nëlö onö müncoti yoüti ibüwë hoi xolu zilyois onö ün lı ëo cën ölë ximu müt dinzoü onö. The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
ü lözic onö lı si hoküxı lı si liülë bı xowosë. The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.
küu niltügu kelo nimü küu lı homüs. Stop your game and be quiet.
ü tenkin yë yön in kontol di bı oltü eswen bı oltü eswen. The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
nimü süko yogö üsën tüt yodo yogö üsën cunyü bı xön eswen ko. Do you like summer or winter better?
umo moskül xonluk ulyö ke cinli wüöt küzoü. That boy will have a wonderful trip.
niün cöüfon lisik yë hülü cöt ıwotë müt dumoko binë sıtyo hoi ünhılun yë mötö ün mokon nı. They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
niün lı si bilüs hoi düi kelo kut lëkın nocido nı fëlcin. They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
küu gomi libü öfo yë köto fos cukto si, küu oköt müt motüo wohi nimü binë küu motsı zuwobü. Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
noyo di si wili bı hëlxun öntön si bı fiki ün lı si lö sël müt cöüfon kut. I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
o. noyo doicël si nimü foxo. Aha! I have caught you!
doi öfo lı otıkon gosil ze. This string is too short!
oiyo. woyü üslëk si öni doknü wik noyo bı mönbılı. Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!
oiyo. ü fısun nëös ulyö lı küyö löicök. Alas! that news is sad indeed!
oiyo. woyü cunyü ulyö lı ëo bukü ölë nosiko noyo foxo. Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!
nimü lı zötëstö tüt bı ibüdü ko. Are you warm enough now?
niün tenkin si gongoxi hoi otıkon müun. They heard the warning too late.
nü lı umo möfi yübik fenüo nü. We are a brave people, and love our country.
möi mënyüu lı si gik lëkın mënyüu Meli. All the children came except Mary.
umo Zek ogolol züngö mülü yë ibüwë cüti lunsol nı müt zomo ximu. Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.
nıwos cömël öfo lı si totsı hoi töxütsı bümi sël hoi yoüti mönbılı xe sün sınsi onö. This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.
hoi bıtün hëlxun xön yë yogö üsën tüt ü düi umo nokdo sıtyo hoi wokto yë zınkon onö yë nıwos cömël niün. On a fine summer evening, the two old people were sitting outside the door of their cottage.
müt timiok nü somo timiok Zekö. Our bird's name is Jacko.
xüto onö fısun titon onö müt xömütlö. The river knows the way to the sea.
oütö ximu lı lö bı cok mıslı timiok xikö. The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.
niün dëko si bı ëto diyondë hoi möi ünhılun lëkın dëko yök fın. They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.
nıwos cüti yünyoü si son küncien xe lı küncien kon sıtyo lı küncien kon conzodo lı küncien kon cöüfon yë cüti ëto. The little house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
nü monodo si sınsi cüti yë sıskın moskül yë motüo noyo et xe lı sınsi cüti yë cënbö möi en nucoto. We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.
nü bëüdo fın nëös hoi xokön lono. We learn something new each day.
socok gufuyo onö hoi tiü ëfun yë hëlxun eswen hön wëxön öfo. The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
nimü yosten si otıkon cënbö yë mönbılı ko. Did you find the distance too great?
küu lı fiki noi umo xonluk. Hurry, children.
noi umo wohi xëntil ü noyo ke fütsün hükun nimü. Madam, I will obey your command.
hoi öfo xe lı sël yë nomü öfo, ü niün müt monodo niün lı cüdo si cöüfon yë xön ëto. Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
hön yogö üsën cunyü ü noyo di wili hoi bıtün öntön tö küon füus sëlbö. In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
küu köto yogö fëlcin yë kiso ulyö bı dizel. Tell the last part of that story again.
küu lı fiki yodo ü nimü ke lı otıkon müun. Be quick or you will be too late.
nimü ke lı lö ofek nü ko yodo motsı hoi öfo ko. Will you go with us or wait here?
niün bı möi woküt öntön fın yë ëtsö bis et fos bı sodolun ölë nı lı si ëo funlit hoi dinzoü, ün hoi lono cunyü lı yök lohot. She was always, shabby, often ragged, and on cold days very uncomfortable.
küu goniso bı kut binë küu tüu. Think first and then act.
noyo lı si totsı mıslı müxi cüti yë umo wohi xonluk hoi sıtyo xe lı uklo müt kümun oboki, ün dëko si bölfëlë ximu bukü zigil. I stood, a little mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
müt monodo onö küu möniso bëiku öfo noi mënyüu noyo ün müt niün küu köto ıtıhos gonzil nı. Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
küu lı xowosë hön xünyu fın lëkın hön xön möi nimü. Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
nü goniso niün mıslı sütüö cöünton nü. We consider them our faithful friends.
nü ölë boxö öfo ke lı ëo nıwos nü. We will make this place our home.
cüi nomü onö ölë nıwos niün lı ëo tüt ün lohot tö födoloc nulun ün woloko. The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
umo wohi cüti köson öntön yë döcui umo tö cızi niün. The little girl made the doll's dress herself.
noyo lı ëo tönkö ölë cızi noyo. I hurt myself.
hoi öhël niün köto müt cızi niün. She was talking to herself.
niün möniso si cızi niün xe köi lı oksiös yë imon. He proved himself trustworthy.
nü köi dëko cızi nü hoi ximu. We could see ourselves in the water.
küu tüu nı tö cızi nimü. Do it yourself.
noyo oncëmon xulmındo yë noyo. I feel ashamed of myself.
küu sıtyo hoi öfo ofek cızi nimü tölki. Sit here by yourself.
ü öntön yë mënyüu wohi cüti yë hondon kon hükun lı fos müt nı zohit si inboli xe lı inboli centık yë küöcyo. The dress of the little princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.
niün öntön si öntön wik hünsık xe lı ostok onö yë fölni. They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
ofek niün xe mıslı foko mefüs nü, nü lı yök ösölë yë bongösi. With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
möi fın moxo niün xe lı bolce kümun lı listo lı towë, lı fos bı cies wëko si nı hoi dıbo. All her finery, lace, ribbons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
lı si xoinbo ü fos niün wohi lı hulükö, oldıs goniso yë niün moskül mıslı towë timiok. Light he thought her, like a feather.
hön xokön yogö üsën niök ün yogö üsën kon kudüdo ü mënyüu yë sıskın motüo et nü cıfü kon monodo kildo müt nü. Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
hoi biömu këlös nü ü hülü onö bı möcibo lı lünti hön yogö üsën cunyü. In our climate the grass remains green all winter.
umo moskül xonluk onö xe oköt si tömös onö, lı si cok. The boy who brought the book has gone.
öfo lı inboli onö fos niün lı si ëo kölmüdul ölë nı. These are the flowers that you ordered.
noyo nocido si tömös onö fos niün müt noyo cüdo nı. I have lost the book that you gave me.
öni wëtodü micin xe yünyoü oütö ximu onö, hoi ibüdü bı len sölü cıfü. The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.
küu lı gik hoi fos nimü lı xokülü. Come when you are called.
noyo ke lı gö hoi nıwos noyo hön hüzon. I shall stay at home if it rains.
hön fos niün dëko noyo, niün niltügu si. When he saw me, he stopped.
küu lı liülë müt noyo nënko fos lı xoinbo ü fos noyo lı göwo löicök. Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
noyo bı ilxizuk ke cüdo tömös onö fos nimü buswen nı. I shall lend you the books that you need.
küu lı gik hoi lono xolxili uklo hëlxun hön fos nimü köi lı gik. Come early next Monday if you can.
hön fos nimü lı gik bı hëlxun, küu motsı hoi titon küncien. If you come early, wait in the hall.
noyo yünyoü si sıskın moskül yë xonluk eswen et Ontöniö. I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
lı umo cüti Gunön xe nıwos bümi sël. Gnomes are little men who live under the ground.
xokön umo yübik niün nënko wëilun xëntil niün. He is loved by everybody, because he has a gentle disposition.
küu ogolol küdu onö binë noyo köi lı lö ogolol öntön wik noyo. Hold the horse while I run and get my cap.
noyo yosten si wutun zixitü onö fos noyo nocido. I have found the ring I lost.
küu kontol ün noyo ke kontol bı öitun. Play and I will sing.
ulyö lı kiso yë yoümok möi et onö en fos noyo hoi xokön woküt tenkin si. That is the funniest story I ever heard.
niün wohi lı ıwotë eswen en sıskın moskül niün. She is taller than her brother.
niün lı yök colot eswen en nü. They are no wiser than we.
küon tulutı bı fiki eswen en tenkin. Light travels faster than sound.
nü yünyoü woküt eswen en niün. We have more time than they.
niün yünyoü sütüö eswen en umo xe dën niün. She has more friends than enemies.
niün yünyoü muni yë cüti ëto ün ofek hünsüon niün ün tiü mënyüu nıwos boxö sël cüti yë mököfo nomü ün ibüwë. He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a little low cabin of logs and stones.
hoi fos woyü üslëk si, öni tulutı onö ölë öntön libü ünhılun si niün bı fëlkonö eswen. When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mantle more closely around him.
noyo lı gufıs hön fos nü köi lı lö. I am sure that we can go.
nü lı si dukwëlıt müt boxö fos nü dëko si inboli onö hoi. We went back to the place where we saw the roses.
"nomü öfo lı cën yë tiü dus kildo xokön," lı fos öni liun gos köto si. "This tree is fifty feet high," said the gardener.
noyo goniso fos ü oütö kiskö öfo lı cok hoi tiü ëfun yë hëlxun eswen hön lono öfo. I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.
ü goniso noyo lı fos öni böklön ke cüdo yünlön müt niün. My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.
mötifö fos niün lı cok si sün sınsi, lı nosö. Why he has left the city is a mystery.
ü nıwos onö lı totsı hoi fos son titon monodo möi dizel. The house stands where three roads meet.
niün yünyoü ëto eswen muni en düuncit. He has far more money than brains.
bı wuktomü ü zınkon ulyö hoi xünyu woküt lı but hön hülü ıwotë ün gos cënbö lı si niök fëlkonö dën nı. Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.
noyo monodo si umo yë nıwos cüti et cüti; fos niün lı nokdo yë tukwos üsën, lı fos niün köto si. I met a little cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃. The sun shines.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ. The sun is shining.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɐɟ ɔʄɽ̃. The sun shone.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɔɿ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃. The sun will shine.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɔ̃ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃. The sun has been shining.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ʋȷ ʌɟⱴ͊ɿ The sun is shining again.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɔɿ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃ ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ɽ̑ʃʓ. The sun will shine tomorrow.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃ ʋȷ ɽʇc. The sun shines brightly.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɀʇ ɔʄɽ̃ ɽʇc ʋɽɟɤ̃ı ɔʄɽ̃. The bright sun shines.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ʌɟ ꞇ̃ʇ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ɂɽɟ ɽɟʋʄʌʄ. The sun is rising now.
ƶıɽɟ ɽʃƶ ɽƨı ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ ɐɟ. All the people shouted.
ɀɽʄcɟ ɽʃƶ ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ ɐɟ. Some of the people shouted.
ɽʇc ɽʃƶ ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ ʋȷ ʌʄɽɟ. Many of the people shouted twice.
ɽʃƶ ɋʒɐʇ ʋȷ ɽʇc ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ. Happy people often shout.
ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı cʄɽʃ ɐɟ ⱴ́c̃ ʋȷ ꞇ̃ʇ. The kitten jumped up.
ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı cʄɽʃ ɐɟ ⱴ́c̃ ƶ̆ʄ ɐ͊ʒ̄ı ƶɟɽʇʋ͊ȷ. The kitten jumped onto the table.
ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ƨɀ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʓı ʋȷ ꞇ̑. My little kitten walked away.
ʓȷ ɂʄⱴ̃ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ. It's raining.
ɂʄⱴ̃ ɽƨı ʌɟ ɐɟ ɐ͊ʇ. The rain came down.
ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ɔɿʓ ɂɽɟ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɽƨı. The kitten is playing in the rain.
ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɐɟ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɽƨı. The rain has stopped.
ʋȷ ⱴɿʓ̃ɿ ɔɿ ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɽƨı. Soon the rain will stop.
ƨɀ ɋɟʒ̃ ɤ́ ʋȷ ⱴɿʓ̃ɿ ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɽƨı. I hope the rain stops soon.
ʋȷ ɔ̆ʃ ɽʄ ⱴ̃ʒ͊ʃ ɂ̃ıɀ ƨȷʒ́ ɐɟ ɽıɤ. Once wild animals lived here.
ʋȷ ʌɟʓʇ ɽʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɤɂɐ ɐɟ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. Slowly she looked around.
ƨɟƶʄ ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ʓı. You should go.
ƨɀ ɔɿ ʓȷ ɋʒɐʇ ɂ̃ı ɋɿ ʓȷ ʓı. I will be happy to go.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɔɿ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ʋȷ ⱴɿʓ̃ɿ. He will arrive soon.
ꜿ̃ʃʌʓʇ ɀʇ ʓıⱴ̄ɟ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ c͊ʃɔ͊ɀ̃ʃ ʋȷ ꞇ̑. The baby's ball has rolled away.
ʌʄɽɟ ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı ʒʇʓɽȷ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ɽɤ̑ɿ ɋɔ̃ı ʌɟⱴ͊ɿ. The two boys are working together.
ɽ́ʄƶ̃ ɋɟƶʃ ɽƨı ʋȷ ɔıƨ̃ʇ ɔɿ ʌɟ ɤ̃ƶ̆. This mist will probably clear away.
ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɂɐ̃ɟ ʓȷ ƨɟɽ̑ı ɂɽɟ ɋɔ̃ı. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
ƨʄ ɔʄɽʃ ƶɔ̃ ʋȷ ʌɟʓʇ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ. We should eat more slowly.
ƨɟƶʄ ʌɟ ɐɟ ɂɽɟ ɽıɤ ʋȷ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɽcȷɔ̃. You have come too soon.
ƨɟƶʄ ɔʄɽʃ ꞇ̑ʃc ʋȷ ƶʄɤʇɽʄ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ. You must write more neatly.
ɂ̃ı ɽɿʓ̃ɿc̆ʇ ƶ́ʄcɔ̃ɟ ʓȷ c̆ɐȷ ɽʄ ƨȷʒ́ ƶɋ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ɔʄⱴɽʄ. Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
ⱴʒ ɀʇ ɽʃƶ ‹ɂ̃ɿʓɟ› ƨꞇɟʌ ɐɟ cɟc̃ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. Henry's dog is lost.
ƶ̄ɔ ƨɀ ʓȷ ƨʇʓı. My cat is black.
ʌıꞇʃɽɟ ɽʃƶ ɀʇ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɔʋ̆ʄ. The little girl's doll is broken.
ƨɀ ʋȷ ɐʌʓ̃ʃ ʓȷ ꞇ̃ⱴʌ ɐ̃ʃʋ͊ʄƨ. I usually sleep soundly.
ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ɽƨı ʋȷ ɤɟɔɟ ʓȷ ʓı ɽɋ̃ ɋɿ ʌɽɟꞇ͊ʇ ɽʃƶ ‹ⱴ̑ɿ›. The children ran after Jack.
ƨɀ ɔıɽɟ ɔɿʓ ꞇȷɂıɽʄ ɔ̃ ʋʇɽʄʌ. I can play after school.
ƨʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʓı ƶ̆ʄ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ɽɋ̃ ɋɿ ƶƨʌ. We went to the village for a visit.
ƨʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ꜿ̑ɟ ɂɽɟ ɋʄc. We arrived at the river.
ƨɀ ƶ̆ɐȷ ɐɟ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ɽɋ̃ ƨɟƶʄ. I have been waiting for you.
ɽıƨɟ ƶʄɂɀ̃ ɽƨı ɐ̆ȷɀ ɐɟ ɂɽɟ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ɀʇ ƶıcı ɽƨı. The campers sat around the fire.
ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ɋɿ ɽɤ̑ɿ ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ, ɐ̆ȷɀ ɐɟ ɂɽɟ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ƨɀ. A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ɽƨı ƶ̆ɐȷ ɐɟ ɂɽɟ ⱴ̃ȷɔ̃ ɽɋ̃ ƶcʄɽ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. The child waited at the door for her father.
ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ɋʋ̑ʇ ɽʄ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɀʇ ƨ̑ʌ ƶıɽɟ ɽ̃ɿ ɽⱴʄɽ͊ʃ ɀʇ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ɽƨı ƨꞇɟʌ ɐɟ ƶ̄ɔ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
ʓıⱴ̄ɟ ɐɟ ƨɟƶʄ ɂɽɟ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ɽıɤ ɔ. Were you born in this village?
ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ƨɟƶʄ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ꞇȷɤʃʓ ʋȷ ɋ̃ı ɔ. Can your brother dance well?
ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ ꞇ̑ ɔ. Did the man leave?
ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ʒɂɟ ƨɟƶʄ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ɽɋ̃ ƨɟƶʄ ɔ. Is your sister coming for you?
ƨɟƶʄ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ɽ̑ʃʓ ɔ. Can you come tomorrow?
ɽıƨɟ ƨȷʒ́ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ ꞇ̑ ɂ̃ı ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ. Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
cɟƶɟɽ̑ ɂ̃ʄɐ̑ȷ ʋȷ ɐʌʓ̃ʃ ɔ̃c͊ ɂɽɟ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɔ. Does the robin sing in the rain?
ƨɟƶʄ ʓȷ ʓı ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨʄ ƶ̆ʄ ɐɟɔ̃ɟ ɔ̃ ɔ̃c͊. Are you going with us to the concert?
ƨɟƶʄ ɂɽɟ ɽⱴʄɽ͊ʃ ʒɔ̆ʄ cʃʓʃcȷ ʋɟɽıƶʃ ƨƶʄ ɂʄⱴ̃ ɔ. Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
ƨʄ ɽɽʄcı cı ʒɀʄ ƶ̆ʄ ꞇ̃ʇ ɀʇ ɋʄc ɽƨı ʓ̃ ɀɽʄcɟ ƶ̃ıʋȷʓȷ ɋɔ̃ı. We sailed down the river for several miles.
ɋɔ̃ı ɽʃƶ ɤȷɐ̃ʃ ɔ̃ ʒʇcʌʄ. Everybody knows about hunting.
ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ɔʄɽ̃ ɋɿ ꞇȷɂıɽʄ ʒɔ̆ʄ ɤ́ ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɐꞇ̑ ɋɿ ʌɟ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ, ɽʄ ƨʄ ɐꞇ̑ ɐɟ ƶ̆ʄ cɂȷʓ̑ı ʋʄƶɟ. On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
ɽʃƶ ‹c̃› ʓȷ ɐɟ ʓɟɽʄʓʇ ƨ̃ʇɔ ꞇ͊ʄꞇɟ ɀʇ ɤƨʓ̃. Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ƨ̑ʌ ɋɿ ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨʄɀ ɀʇ ɔ̃ ʓı ʒʒɽʇ, ʓȷ ɐɟ c̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ ɐıʋ ɀʇ ʋʇʓʇcʇ ꜿɐ͊ɟ. An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
ɽıʓʇ ƨȷʒ́ ɀʇ ꞇʄɽɟ ƨƶʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɽʇɽ ɤ̄ɟʒ ɽʄ cʓ̃ʇ ƨƶʄ ʒ͊ɿcı. The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.
ɽɽʄʌɟ ꞇʄcɟ ƶ̆ɐȷ ɐɟ ʋȷ ɐ̃cɟ ɂɽɟ ɐ͊ʇ ɀʇ ʋ͊ıɤʇʓʇ ɂʄⱴ̃ ʋʃɔʄ ƶ̆ʄ ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɀʇ ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ƨɟɽ̑ı ɽ̆ɿ ɀʇ c̆ʄ ɀɽʄcɟ. The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
ɽʇc ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɋɿ ɽɤ̑ɿ ʒʃc̃ʃ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɋɿ ɂɽɟ ʒ̑ɟ, ʓȷ ꞇȷɤʃʓ ɂɽɟ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ɀʇ ƶıcı ɤɟƶ́ıɀ́ı. Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
ɽıƨɟ ʌ̑ƨʄ ɽƨı ɀʇ ʌȷʋ ɀʇ ɂʄʓʄ ɽ̃ɟ ⱴɂ̆ɟ ɽ̆ɿ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ ⱴɟꜿ͊ɟ ƶ̆ʄ ɐɔɤʄ. The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɔ̆ʃ ɽƨı ɀʇ ꜿɟc ɽƨı ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɐɟ ɂɽɟ ⱴ̃ȷɔ̃ ɔ̃ ꜿ̑ɟ. The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
ɂɽɟ ɐ͊ʒ̄ı ɀʇ cıɋ̆ʄɐȷ ʋʄƶɟ ɂɽɟ ʓɟƶɟɽ̃ɿ ɀʇ ƨȷʒ́ ꞇʄcɟ ƨȷʒ́ ɐɟ ɽʄ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ƨ̑ʌ ꞇʓ̆. On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
ɂɽɟ ʒɔ̆ʄ ɀʇ ɔ̃ ƨȷʒ́ ɀʇ ɤɿƨʄɽ ʓ̃ʌʃʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı ɽʄ ƨʄ ʋȷ ɽʇc ʓȷ ʓı cı ʒʒɽʇ ɂɽɟ ꞇƶ̃ɿ ⱴ̃ʒ͊ʃ ɽƨı. During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.
ɂɽɟ ʒɔ̆ʄ ⱴ̑ȷ ɽʄ ƶƨʌ ɐ̃ʄ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ɔɿ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ. When will your guests from the city arrive?
ɂɽɟ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ɀʇ ꜿıɀʃ ɽƨı ɀʇ ɋʄc ɽƨı ɽʄ cɟc̃ ƨȷ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɽ̃ȷɤ͊ʃc̃ɟ ʋȷ ꞇɟɽ́ɿ ƶ̆ʄ ɔȷʓʃɔʄ. Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.
ꜿ̆ȷƨ ʌʄɽɟ cɂȷʓ̑ı ʋʄƶɟ ɽȷʒcʇ ʓȷ cȷꜿɀ ɽʄ ɤɿƨʄɽ ɐʄʋ͊ı ɀʇ ʋʄƶɟ ɐ͊ʇ. Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley.
ꜿ̆ȷƨ ꜿ́ ʓɟɐ̑ɟ ʓɟɽ̃ʃ ɐɟ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɂ̃ʄɐ̑ȷ ɽȷʒcʇ. Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.
ɽıʓʇ ⱴɟⱴɟɀ ʓ̃ɿ ɽƨı ɀʇ ɽʇc ƨƶʄ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ɤ̃ʃʓ̆ɟ ɐ̃ʄ ʋʄƶɟ ɽƨı. The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.
ʋ̃ɟc̃ ʓƨ ɽƨı ʋȷ ɐ͊ʇ ꜿ̆ȷƨ cʓ̃ʇ ƨƶʄ ʌʇɔ ɐɟ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ɽƨı ɋɿ ɔɿʓ. The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.
ʒɀʄ ɤɟcɟɔ́ı ɽ́ʄʓ̑ʇ ɐıʋ ɽ̃ʇɔıƶ̃ı ƶ́ȷʓȷ ɔ̃ ɽɔʄʓ ɐʄcʄɽı. The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.
ɔ͊ʄʌʄ ɽƨı ɀʇ ʌɽɟ ʓȷ ɐɟ cʃʓʃcȷ ɐɔɤʄ ʋȷ c͊ʃɔ͊ɀ̃ʃ. The spool of thread rolled across the floor.
ʌȷʋ ɀʇ ꜿ́ ɋɿ ʓɟɽ̃ʃ, ʓȷ ɐɟ c̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ ɔʄƶ̃ʃ ɽʋɔɟ. A box of growing plants stood in the Window.
ƨɀ ʓȷ ɋʒɐʇ ɽʇc. I am very happy.
ɔʄɽıɋȷ ƨƶʄ ⱴ̃ɟꜿʃ ɽıɤ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɽʇc ƶıcʒ ɀʇ ɽ́ɟɔı ɔʄɽıɋȷ. These oranges are juicy.
ɋɟƶʃ ɋıƶ̆ʄʓı ʓȷ ɋıʋɽɟ. Sea water is salty.
cɟc̃ ɽƨı ʓȷ ƶʄʓʄ ɀʇ ɽʃƶ. The streets are full of people.
ʋ͊ıɤʇʓʇ ɐʄʒ̆ɟ ɐʋıʓʇ ɽʇɽ ɐʄʒ̆ɟ. Sugar tastes sweet.
ƶıcı ɽƨı ɽ̃ꞇʇƶ̃ ɽʇɽ c̆ʄ The fire feels hot.
ɤ́ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ɽ̃ꞇʇƶ̃ c͊ıɔɟ, ʓȷ ɋɽ̃ɟʋ. The little girl seemed lonely.
ƶcʄɽ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɀʇ ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ʋȷ ɔ̆ʃ ɤ̃ʃ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɽıƨɟ cʃʓʃcȷ ɋıƶ̆ʄʓı. The little boy's father had once been a sailor.
ƨɀ ƨꞇɟʌ ɐɟ ʓɟʋʄ ʋ͊ꞇɿ ƨʃʓ̃ʃ ƨɀ. I have lost my blanket.
cɟƶɟɽ̑ ɀʇ ʒ̑ȷɐɿ ꞇȷƨıʋʃ ɔıɐ̃ ɐɟ ƨȷʒ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɂɽɟ ƨƶʄ ɽƨı ɀʇ ɔʄɽıɋȷ ɂ̃ʄɐ̑ȷ ɐʄʒ̆ɟ. A robin has built his nest in the apple tree.
ɂɽɟ ƶ̆ʃɀʃ ʓƨ ɽʄ ƨʄ ƶɔ̃ ɐɟ ꞇıɽʄɤ̃ ƨʄ ɂɽɟ ɐıʋ cɟc̃. At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.
ɽʃƶ ‹ⱴ̃ıɐʃ› ɔ́ı ɐɟ ɽıƨɟ ʒʇcʄ ɽɋ̃ ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ꞇʄcɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. Mr. Jones made a knife for his little boy.
ɽ̆ʇɐı ɀʇ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɋɽ̃ɟʋ ɀʇ ɋʒɐʇ ɽʇc. Their voices sound very happy.
ʓƨ ɽıɤ ʓȷ ʓƨ ʌʄɐ͊ʃ ɔ. Is today Monday?
ʒʓɔ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ ⱴɟꜿ͊ɟ ɐ̃ʄ ƨƶʄ ɔ. Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
ƨɟƶʄ ɔɿ ɽ̃ʌ ɐɟ ꞇȷⱴɟ ɂɽɟ ʒɔ̆ʄ ɔ. Will you be ready on time?
ƨɟƶʄ ɔɿ ʓʃɤƨ ꞇ̑ʃc ɽıɤ ɽɋ̃ ƨɀ ɔ. Will you send this message for me?
ƨɟƶʄ ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ƶ̆ɐȷ ƨɀ ɔ. Are you waiting for me?
ɽıɤ ʓȷ ʓıⱴ̄ɟ ƶ̄ɔ ɔ̆ʃ ɀʇ ⱴƶ ɔ̃ ʓıⱴ̄ɟ ɔ. Is this the first kitten of the litter?
ɤɔ ƶɿɤ́ʄ ʒʒɽʇ ɽıɤ ʓȷ ɽcȷɔ̃ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ɂ̃ı ƨɟƶʄ ɔ. Are these shoes too big for you?
ʋȷ ⱴ̑ȷ ʓȷ ƨ͊ʃc ɽʄ ɋʄc. How wide is the River?
ɔʄɽʃ ɐ̆ȷɀ ɽıɤ ɀʇ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ƨɀ. Sit here by me.
ɽıʓʇ ɽıɤ ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ꞇ́ƨɟ ƶıꞇɟʋ ɽȷʓ̑ȷ ʓƨ ɽ̑ʃʓ. Keep this secret until tomorrow.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ꞇ̑ ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨʄ. Come with us.
ɔʄɽʃ ɽɔ̆ı ɐʄcʄɽı ƨɟƶʄ ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨɟƶʄ. Bring your friends with you.
ɔʄɽʃ ʌɟɀ̃ʌʇ ʋȷ ꞇ̃ıɔ̑ı. Be careful.
ɔʄɽʃ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɀɽʄcɟ ɽ́ɟɔı ɂ̃ıꞇıɽʄ. Have some tea.
ɽʃƶ ‹ʋȷ›pɽʃ ɽ̃ʄ ⱴʒ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɐʄcʄɽı ɽʇc. Pip and his dog were great friends.
ɽʃƶ ‹ⱴ̃› ɽ̃ʄ ɽʃƶ ‹ɽɟʓȷɐ›pɽ̆ɿ ʓȷ ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ. John and Elizabeth are brother and sister.
ƨɟƶʄ ɽ̃ʄ ƨɀ ɔɿ ʓȷ ʓı ɽɤ̑ɿ ɋɔ̃ı ʌɟⱴ͊ɿ. You and I will go together.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ʋ̆ʃ ɽıʓʇ ƶıɽɟ ⱴ̃ȷɔ̃ ɽ̃ʄ ɔʄƶ̃ʃ ɽʋɔɟ. They opened all the doors and windows.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ꞇʄcɟ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ʓ̃ɿ. He is small, but strong.
ƶ̆ʄ ƨƶʄ ɽıɤ cı ɂ́ɟɔ̃ʄꞇ İƨꜿʃʓ̄ȷ ɐƶ ƨƶʄ ɽ̑ı ɀʌ ƨƶʄ ‹ƶʇ›pɽ͊ʃ ɔ. Is this tree an oak or a maple?
ɽɔɋʃ ʓȷ ɋɽ̃ɟʋ ɽ̃ɟ ʌʇɔ ƶ́ȷʓȷ ⱴıɽɟ ɀʌ ʌʄɐ͊ʃ ɔ. Does the sky look blue or gray?
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ʓı ɽɤ̑ɿ ƶcʄɽ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɀʌ ƶcʄɽ ʒɂɟ. Come with your father or mother.
ƨɀ ʓȷ ʋɟꞇʄɽ̃ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ʓȷ ɋʒɐʇ ɽʇc. I am tired, but very happy.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɔɿʓ ɔ̃c͊ cı ɀ̃ı ɽ̃ɟ ɔ̃c͊ ɀʇ ƶıɔıɤ ɽ̃ɟ ɽ́ʄʓ̑ʇ ɽ̆ɿ ɔʄⱴɽʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
ƶ̆ʄ ɔ̃ıɀ̄ʇ ɀʇ ʒʃc c̑ʃʒ́ ɽʄ ʓƨ ʌɟ ɽʇc ꜿɐ͊ɟ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ. Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.
ⱴƶ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ɀʇ ɽʃƶ ꜿʄɽɿɋ cʃʓʃcȷ cıɋ̆ʄɐȷ ʋʄƶɟ ɽƨı ɽ̃ʄ ꞇƶ̃ɿ ɽƨı. A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
ɀꜿı ɔ̆ʃ ɀʇ ɔɟɐ ʓȷ ɤɔ ɐ̃ʃɀ̆ƨɟ ɽʇc. The first part of the story is very interesting.
cɟƶɟɽ̑ ƨʇʓı ɽƨı ƶ̃ʄꞇcɟ ɀɽʄcɟ ɽɟʋʄʒʇ ɂɽɟ ɋʓʃ ⱴ͊ɟɀɽ́ɟ ɽƨı ɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ꞇ̃ʇ ɽıʓʇ ɋɟƶʃ ƶ̆ʄ ʌ̃ɟⱴɽʄ ɽƨı. The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
ɽʄ ʓıⱴ̄ɟ ɽƨı ʓȷ ɐɟ ɂɔʄɋȷ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʓɟɽʄʓʇ ʋȷ ɋʒɐʇ. The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.
ɔʄɽʃ ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɔɿʓ ƨɟƶʄ ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɂƶ́ʄ. Stop your game and be quiet.
ɽʄ c̃ɿɔ̃ɟ ɀʇ ɀ̃ı ɽ̃ɟ ɔ̃c͊ ʌɟ ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ʋȷ ɽ͊cʄ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ. The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
ƨɟƶʄ ɐʄɔ ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ c̆ʄ ɀʌ ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ ʋȷ ɋ̃ı ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɔ. Do you like summer or winter better?
ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽ͊ʃɀı ɔɿ ꞇ̃ɟʓɟ ʒʄɽ̆ı ɔʄⱴɽʄ. That boy will have a wonderful trip.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ꞇıɽʄɤ̃ ʓɟɐ̑ɟ ɀʇ ɂʄʓʄ ꞇ̆ı ɽȷʒcʇ ƶ̆ʄ ʌʃƶɔ ʋɟƨʇ ɐ̆ȷɀ ɂɽɟ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ɀʇ ƶıcı ɽ̃ʄ ƶɔ̃ ƨȷ. They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʋɟʓ́ʄ ɂɽɟ ʌʄɽɟ ɔɿʓ ɔ̆ʃ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ƨꞇɟʌ ƨȷ ɤ͊ʇꞇ̃ɟ. They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
ɔʄɽʃ ꜿƶɟ ʓɟʋʄ ɽıɤ ɀʇ ɔıc ɤ́ ꞇ̑ʃc ɐɟ, ɔʄɽʃ ɽɔ̆ı ƶ̆ʄ ƶcʄɽ ʒɂɟ ƨɟƶʄ ʋɟƨʇ ɔʄɽʃ ƶ̆ɐȷ ⱴʃʒʋʄ. Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
ƨɀ ʌɟ ɐɟ ʒɟʓɟ ʋȷ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ɐɟ ʋȷ ɤɟɔɟ ɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʓı ɐ͊ʇ ƶ̆ʄ ꞇıɽʄɤ̃ ɔ̆ʃ. I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
ɽ. ƨɀ ʌɽɟꞇ͊ʇ ɐɟ ƨɟƶʄ ɤɋ. Aha! I have caught you!
ʌɽɟ ɽıɤ ʓȷ ɽcȷɔ̃ ꜿɐ͊ɟ ⱴɿ. This string is too short!
ɽɽɟɀ. ʒɀʄ ɽ́ʄʓ̑ʇ ɐɟ ɽıƨɟ ʌ̑ƨʄ ʒ̑ɟ ƨɀ ʋȷ ƶ̃ıʋȷʓȷ. Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!
ɽɽɟɀ. ɽʄ ɤȷɐ̃ʃ ƨʇɽ́ı ɽ͊ʃɀı ʓȷ ɔʄɀı ʓıɽɟꞇ̑ı. Alas! that news is sad indeed!
ɽɽɟɀ. ʒɀʄ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ ɽ͊ʃɀı ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ʋʃɔʄ ɽıʓʇ ƨɐɟɔ ƨɀ ɤɋ. Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!
ƨɟƶʄ ʓȷ ⱴıćʇcı c̆ʄ ʋȷ ɽɟʋʄʌʄ ɔ. Are you warm enough now?
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ c̃ɿɔ̃ɟ ɐɟ ꜿ̃ꜿɋɟ ɂɽɟ ɽcȷɔ̃ ƶʄɽ̃ʃ. They heard the warning too late.
ƨʄ ʓȷ ɽʃƶ ƶıɤɟ ɀʄʋ̑ɟ ɤɿƨʄɽ ƨʄ. We are a brave people, and love our country.
ƶıɽɟ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɐɟ ꜿ̑ɟ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ‹ƶɿʓɟ›. All the children came except Mary.
ɽʃƶ ‹ⱴ̑ɿ› ɽꜿʓ͊ ⱴ̃ʄꜿı ƶʄʓʄ ɀʇ ɽɟʋʄʒʇ ꞇʄcɟ ʓ̃ʃɐ͊ ƨȷ ƶ̆ʄ ⱴƶ ɋɟƶʃ. Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.
ƨȷʒ́ ꞇıƶ͊ʇ ɽıɤ ʓȷ ɐɟ c̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ cıɋ̆ʄɐȷ ʋʄƶɟ ɐ͊ʇ ɂɽɟ ɀɽʄcɟ ƶ̃ıʋȷʓȷ ɋɿ ɐ̃ʄ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ɽƨı. This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.
ɂɽɟ ʋȷc̃ʄ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɋ̃ı ɀʇ ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ c̆ʄ ɽʄ ʌʄɽɟ ɽʃƶ ƨ̑ʌ ɐ̆ȷɀ ɂɽɟ ʒ̑c ɀʇ ⱴ̃ȷɔ̃ ɽƨı ɀʇ ƨȷʒ́ ꞇıƶ͊ʇ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. On a fine summer evening, the two old people were sitting outside the door of their cottage.
ƶ̆ʄ cɟƶɟɽ̑ ƨʄ ɐƶ cɟƶɟɽ̑ ‹ⱴɿɔı›. Our bird's name is Jacko.
ɋʄc ɽƨı ɤȷɐ̃ʃ cɟc̃ ɽƨı ƶ̆ʄ ɋıƶ̆ʄʓı. The river knows the way to the sea.
ɽɽʄcı ɋɟƶʃ ʓȷ ʓı ʋȷ ꞇ̑ ƶ́ȷʓȷ cɟƶɟɽ̑ ɋɟɔı. The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʌʇɔ ɐɟ ʋȷ ɽʇc ʌɟɀ̃ʌʇ ɂɽɟ ƶıɽɟ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ʌʇɔ ɀ̑ı ɤ̃ȷ. They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.
ƨȷʒ́ ꞇʄcɟ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɐɟ ɐ̃ ɔ̃ʄꞇɟɽ̃ɿ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɔ̃ʄꞇɟɽ̃ɿ ɔ̃ ɐ̆ȷɀ ʓȷ ɔ̃ʄꞇɟɽ̃ɿ ɔ̃ ꞇ̃ⱴʌ ʓȷ ɔ̃ʄꞇɟɽ̃ɿ ɔ̃ ꞇıɽʄɤ̃ ɀʇ ꞇʄcɟ ɽʇc. The little house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
ƨʄ ƶƨʌ ɐɟ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ꞇʄcɟ ɀʇ ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɀʇ ƶcʄɽ ƨɀ ɽ̆ɿ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ ꞇʄcɟ ɀʇ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ƶıɽɟ ɽ̃ɿ ƨʃꞇc. We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.
ƨʄ ʋʇɽʄʌ ɤ̃ȷ ƨʇɽ́ı ɂɽɟ ɋɔ̃ı ʓƨ. We learn something new each day.
ɐꞇ̑ ꜿʃɤʃɀ ɽƨı ɂɽɟ cɟɽʄ ɽʇɤ̃ʃ ɀʇ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɂ̃ı ʒʇɋ̃ı ɽıɤ. The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
ƨɟƶʄ ɀ́c̃ɿ ɐɟ ɽcȷɔ̃ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ɀʇ ƶ̃ıʋȷʓȷ ɔ. Did you find the distance too great?
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɤɟɔɟ ƨɽɟ ɽʃƶ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ. Hurry, children.
ƨɽɟ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʇc͊ɟ ɽʄ ƨɀ ɔɿ ɤ̆ʄɐ̃ʄ ɂʄɔ̃ʃ ƨɟƶʄ. Madam, I will obey your command.
ɂɽɟ ɽıɤ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɐ͊ʇ ɀʇ ƨƶʄ ɽıɤ, ɽʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƶ̆ʄ ƶƨʌ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ꞇʄʌ ɐɟ ꞇıɽʄɤ̃ ɀʇ ɋ̃ı ɽʇc. Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
ɂ̃ı ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ ɽʄ ƨɀ ʌɟ ʒɟʓɟ ɂɽɟ ʋȷc̃ʄ ɽ̃ıc̃ı cı ɔʄɽ̃ ɤʄɽ́ʃ ɐ͊ʇʋı. In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
ɔʄɽʃ ɔıc ɀꜿı ɤ͊ʇꞇ̃ɟ ɀʇ ɔɟɐ ɽ͊ʃɀı ʋȷ ʌɟⱴ͊ɿ. Tell the last part of that story again.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɤɟɔɟ ɀʌ ɽʄ ƨɟƶʄ ɔɿ ʓȷ ɽcȷɔ̃ ƶʄɽ̃ʃ. Be quick or you will be too late.
ƨɟƶʄ ɔɿ ʓȷ ʓı ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨʄ ɔ ɀʌ ƶ̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ ɽıɤ ɔ. Will you go with us or wait here?
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʋȷ ƶıɽɟ ʒɔ̆ʄ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ɤ̃ȷ ɀʇ ɽ̆ʇɐı ʋ́ɟ ɽ̆ɿ ɤ́ ʋȷ ɐʌʓ̃ʃ ɽıʓʇ ƨȷ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɽʇɽ ɤ̃ʃʓ̆ɟ ɂɽɟ ʌ̃ɟⱴɽʄ, ɽ̃ʄ ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ ʓȷ ɀ̑ı ʓɂ̆. She was always, shabby, often ragged, and on cold days very uncomfortable.
ɔʄɽʃ ꜿƨɟɐ ʋȷ ɔ̆ʃ ʋɟƨʇ ɔʄɽʃ cʄɽʃ. Think first and then act.
ƨɀ ʓȷ ɐɟ c̆ɐȷ ƶ́ȷʓȷ ƶʄɋɟ ꞇʄcɟ ɀʇ ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɂɽɟ ɐ̆ȷɀ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɽ̑ʃʓ ƶ̆ʄ ɔʄƶ̃ʃ ɽʋɔɟ, ɽ̃ʄ ʌʇɔ ɐɟ ʋ͊ıɤʇʓʇ ɋɟƶʃ ʋʃɔʄ ⱴɟꜿ͊ɟ. I stood, a little mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
ƶ̆ʄ ƶƨʌ ɽƨı ɔʄɽʃ ƶıƨɟɐ ʋʇɽɟɔʃ ɽıɤ ƨɽɟ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ƨɀ ɽ̃ʄ ƶ̆ʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɔʄɽʃ ɔıc ɽȷcȷɂ́ ꜿ̃ⱴ͊ɟ ƨȷ. Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ɋʒɐʇ ɂ̃ı ɋ̃ʄɀʃ ɤ̃ȷ ʓʇɔ̃ȷ ɂ̃ı ɋ̃ı ƶıɽɟ ƨɟƶʄ. Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
ƨʄ ꜿƨɟɐ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƶ́ȷʓȷ ɐʄcʄɽı ꞇıɽ̃ʄc̃ ƨʄ. We consider them our faithful friends.
ƨʄ ɽıʓʇ ʋɋı ɽıɤ ɔɿ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ ƨȷʒ́ ƨʄ. We will make this place our home.
ꞇʄɽɟ ƨƶʄ ɽƨı ɽıʓʇ ƨȷʒ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ c̆ʄ ɽ̃ʄ ʓɂ̆ cı ɤıʌʓ̄ ƨʃʓ̃ʃ ɽ̃ʄ ʒʓɔ. The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
ɽʃƶ ʒɂɟ ꞇʄcɟ ɔıɐ̃ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ɀʇ ʌıꞇʃɽɟ ɽʃƶ cı ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. The little girl made the doll's dress herself.
ƨɀ ʓȷ ɽʇɽ c̃ıɔı ɽıʓʇ ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɀ. I hurt myself.
ɂɽɟ ɽıɂ͊ʇ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɔıc ƶ̆ʄ ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. She was talking to herself.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƶıƨɟɐ ɐɟ ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɋɿ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ɽ̑ɐɟɽ́ı ɀʇ ɽɟƶ̃. He proved himself trustworthy.
ƨʄ ɔıɽɟ ʌʇɔ ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨʄ ɂɽɟ ɋɟƶʃ. We could see ourselves in the water.
ɔʄɽʃ cʄɽʃ ƨȷ cı ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɟƶʄ. Do it yourself.
ƨɀ ɽ̃ꞇʇƶ̃ ɋ͊ʃƶ̃ȷʌ ɀʇ ƨɀ. I feel ashamed of myself.
ɔʄɽʃ ɐ̆ȷɀ ɂɽɟ ɽıɤ ɽɤ̑ɿ ꞇȷⱴɟ ƨɟƶʄ c͊ıɔɟ. Sit here by yourself.
ɽʄ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ɀʇ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ʒɂɟ ꞇʄcɟ ɀʇ ɂ̃ʌ̃ ɔ̃ ɂʄɔ̃ʃ ʓȷ ɤ́ ƶ̆ʄ ƨȷ ⱴɂ̆ɟ ɐɟ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ꞇ̃ɿc̑ȷ ɀʇ ɔʄɽ̄ıɀ. The dress of the little princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ɐɟ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ʒ̑ɟ ɂ̃ʄɐ̑ȷ ɋɿ ʓȷ ɽ́c̑ ɽƨı ɀʇ ɤ͊ıƨɟ. They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
ɽɤ̑ɿ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɋɿ ƶ́ȷʓȷ ɤɔ ƶɿɤ́ʄ ƨʄ, ƨʄ ʓȷ ɀ̑ı ɽıɐıʓʇ ɀʇ ʋ̃ꜿıɐɟ. With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
ƶıɽɟ ɤ̃ȷ ƶɋ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɋɿ ʓȷ ʋ͊ꞇɿ ɔʄƶ̃ʃ ʓȷ ʓ́ɟc ʓȷ cʒʇ, ʓȷ ɤ́ ʋȷ ꞇɟɽ́ɿ ʒʇɔ ɐɟ ƨȷ ɂɽɟ ʌȷʋ. All her finery, lace, ribbons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
ʓȷ ɐɟ ɋɽ̃ɟʋ ɽʄ ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʒɂɟ ʓȷ ɂʃʓʄɔı, ɽ͊ʌ́ȷ ꜿƨɟɐ ɀʇ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ƶ́ȷʓȷ cʒʇ cɟƶɟɽ̑. Light he thought her, like a feather.
ɂ̃ı ɋɔ̃ı ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ƨɟɽ̑ı ɽ̃ʄ ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ɔ̃ ɔʃʌʄʌ ɽʄ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ɀʇ ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ƶcʄɽ ɽ̆ɿ ƨʄ ꞇȷɤʄ ɔ̃ ƶƨʌ ɔ͊ɟʌ ƶ̆ʄ ƨʄ. Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
ɂɽɟ ʋɟɽıƶʃ ɔʇʓ́ı ƨʄ ɽʄ ɂʄʓʄ ɽƨı ʋȷ ƶıꞇɟʋ ʓȷ ʓ̃ʄcɟ ɂ̃ı ɀꜿı ɽʄɐ̃ʇ ꞇ̃ʃɀʄ. In our climate the grass remains green all winter.
ɽʃƶ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽƨı ɋɿ ɽɔ̆ı ɐɟ cıƶ́ı ɽƨı, ʓȷ ɐɟ ꞇ̑. The boy who brought the book has gone.
ɽıɤ ʓȷ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɽƨı ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ɽʇɽ ɔ͊ıƶʄʌ͊ʃ ɽıʓʇ ƨȷ. These are the flowers that you ordered.
ƨɀ ƨꞇɟʌ ɐɟ cıƶ́ı ɽƨı ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƶ̆ʄ ƨɀ ꞇʄʌ ƨȷ. I have lost the book that you gave me.
ɽıƨɟ ʒʇcʌʄ ƶɟꞇ̃ɟ ɋɿ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɽɽʄcı ɋɟƶʃ ɽƨı, ɂɽɟ ɽɟʋʄʌʄ ʋȷ ʓ̃ɿ ɐıʓʄ ꞇȷɤʄ. The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ɂɽɟ ɤ́ ƨɟƶʄ ʓȷ ɋɔʄʓʄ. Come when you are called.
ƨɀ ɔɿ ʓȷ ꜿı ɂɽɟ ƨȷʒ́ ƨɀ ɂ̃ı ɂʄⱴ̃. I shall stay at home if it rains.
ɂ̃ı ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʌʇɔ ƨɀ, ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƨ͊ɟcʄꜿʃ ɐɟ. When he saw me, he stopped.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ʓɟɽʄʓʇ ƶ̆ʄ ƨɀ ƨ̃ʇɔ ɤ́ ʓȷ ɋɽ̃ɟʋ ɽʄ ɤ́ ƨɀ ʓȷ ꜿıʒ ʓıɽɟꞇ̑ı. Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
ƨɀ ʋȷ ɽ͊ɟɋɟⱴ̑ʃ ɔɿ ꞇʄʌ cıƶ́ı ɽƨı ɤ́ ƨɟƶʄ ʋ́ʃʒ̃ɿ ƨȷ. I shall lend you the books that you need.
ɔʄɽʃ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ɂɽɟ ʓƨ ɋ͊ɋɟʓɟ ɽ̑ʃʓ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɂ̃ı ɤ́ ƨɟƶʄ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ. Come early next Monday if you can.
ɂ̃ı ɤ́ ƨɟƶʄ ʓȷ ꜿ̑ɟ ʋȷ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ, ɔʄɽʃ ƶ̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ cɟc̃ ɔ̃ʄꞇɟɽ̃ɿ. If you come early, wait in the hall.
ƨɀ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɐɟ ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ɀʇ ɋ̃ʓ̑ʃ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̆ɿ ‹ɽ̃cıƨɟɽı›. I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
ʓȷ ɽʃƶ ꞇʄcɟ ‹ꜿʃƨ̃ı› ɋɿ ƨȷʒ́ ʋʄƶɟ ɐ͊ʇ. Gnomes are little men who live under the ground.
ɋɔ̃ı ɽʃƶ ɀʄʋ̑ɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ƨ̃ʇɔ ʒʇɽɟʓ̃ʃ ɋ̃ʇc͊ɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. He is loved by everybody, because he has a gentle disposition.
ɔʄɽʃ ɽꜿʓ͊ ɔʄʌʃ ɽƨı ʋɟƨʇ ƨɀ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ʓı ɽꜿʓ͊ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ʒ̑ɟ ƨɀ. Hold the horse while I run and get my cap.
ƨɀ ɀ́c̃ɿ ɐɟ ʒʃc̃ʃ ⱴɟɋɟcʄ ɽƨı ɤ́ ƨɀ ƨꞇɟʌ. I have found the ring I lost.
ɔʄɽʃ ɔ̃c͊ ɽ̃ʄ ƨɀ ɔɿ ɔ̃c͊ ʋȷ ɽıɽɟc̃ʃ. Play and I will sing.
ɽ͊ʃɀı ʓȷ ɔɟɐ ɀʇ ɀɽʄƶ̑ ƶıɽɟ ɽ̆ɿ ɽƨı ɽ̃ɿ ɤ́ ƨɀ ɂɽɟ ɋɔ̃ı ʒɔ̆ʄ c̃ɿɔ̃ɟ ɐɟ. That is the funniest story I ever heard.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʒɂɟ ʓȷ ɽȷʒcʇ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̃ɿ ɐ́ȷɔ̃ȷ ƶ́ɔ͊ʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. She is taller than her brother.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ɀ̑ı ꞇʓ̆ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̃ɿ ƨʄ. They are no wiser than we.
ɔʄɽ̃ cʃʓʃcȷ ʋȷ ɤɟɔɟ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̃ɿ c̃ɿɔ̃ɟ. Light travels faster than sound.
ƨʄ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ʒɔ̆ʄ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̃ɿ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. We have more time than they.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɐʄcʄɽı ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɽ̃ɿ ɽʃƶ ɋɿ ʌ̃ʇ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. She has more friends than enemies.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ƶʃƨɟ ɀʇ ꞇʄcɟ ɽʇc ɽ̃ʄ ɽɤ̑ɿ ɂ̃ʄɐʄɽ̃ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɽ̃ʄ cɟɽʄ ƶ̃ʇɀʄɽʃ ƨȷʒ́ ʋɋı ɐ͊ʇ ꞇʄcɟ ɀʇ ƶıɔıɤ ƨƶʄ ɽ̃ʄ ɽɟʋʄʒʇ. He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a little low cabin of logs and stones.
ɂɽɟ ɤ́ ʒɀʄ ɽ́ʄʓ̑ʇ ɐɟ, ɽıƨɟ cʃʓʃcȷ ɽƨı ɽıʓʇ ɽ̃ıc̃ı ʓɟʋʄ ɽ̃ʄɂȷʓ̃ʃ ɐɟ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʋȷ ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ. When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mantle more closely around him.
ƨɀ ʓȷ ꜿʃɤ́ȷ ɂ̃ı ɤ́ ƨʄ ɔıɽɟ ʓȷ ʓı. I am sure that we can go.
ƨʄ ʓȷ ɐɟ ʌ̑ʃʒʇʓ̆ȷ ƶ̆ʄ ʋɋı ɤ́ ƨʄ ʌʇɔ ɐɟ ɽ̃ɟʋʓɟ ɽƨı ɂɽɟ. We went back to the place where we saw the roses.
"ƨƶʄ ɽıɤ ʓȷ ꞇ̃ʇ ɀʇ cɟɽʄ ʌ́ʃ ɔ͊ɟʌ ɋɔ̃ı," ʓȷ ɤ́ ɽıƨɟ ʓɟɽ̃ʃ ꜿ́ ɔıc ɐɟ. "This tree is fifty feet high," said the gardener.
ƨɀ ꜿƨɟɐ ɤ́ ɽʄ ɽɽʄcı ɔ́ɟɔı ɽıɤ ʓȷ ꞇ̑ ɂɽɟ cɟɽʄ ɽʇɤ̃ʃ ɀʇ ɂ͊ʇɋ̃ʃ ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ɂ̃ı ʓƨ ɽıɤ. I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.
ɽʄ ꜿƨɟɐ ƨɀ ʓȷ ɤ́ ɽıƨɟ ʋ̑ıʓ̃ı ɔɿ ꞇʄʌ ɀ̃ʄʓ̃ı ƶ̆ʄ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ. My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.
ƶıcɟɤı ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ꞇ̑ ɐɟ ɐ̃ʄ ɐ̃ȷɐɟ, ʓȷ ƨɐı. Why he has left the city is a mystery.
ɽʄ ƨȷʒ́ ɽƨı ʓȷ c̆ɐȷ ɂɽɟ ɤ́ ɐ̃ cɟc̃ ƶƨʌ ƶıɽɟ ʌɟⱴ͊ɿ. The house stands where three roads meet.
ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɀ̃ʄɀɽʄ ɽʇc ɽ́ɿʒ̃ɿ ƶʃƨɟ ɽ̃ɿ ʌʄɽ̃ʃꞇ̆ɟ. He has far more money than brains.
ʋȷ ʒ̑ʃcƶʄ ɽʄ ⱴ̃ȷɔ̃ ɽ͊ʃɀı ɂɽɟ ɋ̃ʄɀʃ ʒɔ̆ʄ ʓȷ ʋ̆ʃ ɂ̃ı ɂʄʓʄ ɽȷʒcʇ ɽ̃ʄ ꜿ́ ꞇ̃ʇʋı ʓȷ ɐɟ ƨɟɽ̑ı ɤ͊ʇɔƨı ʌ̃ʇ ƨȷ. Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.
ƨɀ ƶƨʌ ɐɟ ɽʃƶ ɀʇ ƨȷʒ́ ꞇʄcɟ ɽ̆ɿ ꞇʄcɟ; ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ʓȷ ƨ̑ʌ ɀʇ c̑ʃʒ́ ɽʄɐ̃ʇ, ʓȷ ɤ́ ƨɟɽ̃ʄ ɔıc ɐɟ. I met a little cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.