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môtowo nêôs ûn dônûxin lolû

· 5 min read

kûu wuîtsî xe golo, oxon yoûtî dêtoî yê môtowo nêôs ûn yoûtî dônûxin lolû ûn yôn yê nec nucoto et zelen. kûu dîyondê lôîcôk; nîmû ke yûnyoû yôk zîcoû oxon xe doknû hîzon nîmû ze.

Read on for some details about new content, a few word changes and an upcoming bot tool. Just be careful, you won't be able to hold in your excitement!

Change Some Source Words

The sources for "they", "bad", "we/us", and "moving" were changed to help with partial collision concerns. The source for "three" was changed to remove a fricative onset which would appear frequently after the fricative coda in the word for "ten".

Fix "authorized" transliteration

Transliteration approach that was utilized here was reevaluated and is hopefully much easier to recognize.

Source Family Fixes & Word Change

During the process of writing the all of the language transliterations in the new lesson, there were several mistaken language families that must not have been fixed after a previous word change was done. Because of this, there was a slight imbalance in the language families and the Nakh-Daghestani language family was missing a word. Because these smaller language families can often present numerous challenges due to the limited lexicon and phonology resources available, it was decided that there would need to be an immediate re-alignment of at least one word. During the same fixes, the Indo-Iranian family had some extra words beyond the threshold. Since this family has the largest word count at 107 words, it could handle losing one. After some research, the "nose" source was changed from nosîko to mêloc.

Add word for "cousin"

While doing the family tree, it was identified that the approach for "cousin" was cumbersome because (1) family is important, (2) some users familiar with isolating languages will want to use family words as pronouns, and (3) this word also generally means "kin" which is more useful than than the more specific connotation of "cousin".

A small over-arching code of conduct was added to the community tab alongside a whole bunch of community links that I've been setting up around the internet. Looking forward to speaking with some folks about the language very soon!

Fix Search Engine For New Diacritics

After the diacritic change, it was identified by happenstance that the search engine no longer works. This was due to the search engine still being configured for the old diacritics. After that, the only thing remaining for diacritic cleanup is the Deckademy and that is due to the lack of an automated solution to updating the course. Originally the plan was to just start building the new course with the smaller lexicon breakdown but there's still many other irons in the fire and wrapping up the documentation and bot tools will free up a lot of time for creating video content to support the new course.

Finish Several Lessons

The last few bits of Numbers, Dates, & Time and Greetings & Salutations were finally added. Some outstanding details about dates and invitations have been added and the documents polished up.

Additionally, Small Talk and Home & Country have been added and completed. Many conversational examples added and lots of transliterations of countries and languages.

Next Steps

There's still lots of lessons to add. The next one will be about occupations, chores, and living arrangements. After that, we get into food and drink.

In addition to lessons, planning has begun on some guides for topics like math, biology, and philosophy. Guides are intended for deeper specializations into common subjects and there will likely be many more of these (let us know what guides you would like to see).

Outside of the writing, there is also intermittent work being put into a Discord bot which will allow for searching the core Hîsyêô words, proper/class words, and compound words. Additionally, knowledgeable speakers will be able to start adding their own compounds and voting on those added by others.

toswîl yê yôn onô fos li dukwêlit ofek dûi numûno yê lolû zomo

The Discord bot already has some of this functionality implemented and additionally has the ability to transliterate Hîsyêô between the three scripts. Come join the server to give it a try!

noyo xîwon xe monodo môî nîmû bi zelen hoî boxo yê nec nucoto yê hîskûnco Hîsyêô ze.

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