dënëmëk ü noyo cö xe yosten cö mötowo oxon xe di cö dönüxın yë hiskünco Hisyëö. köi gö yë boxö kon socok xön ü goniso noyo. yök. xön eswen ü xe bëüdo cö xe ëo dönüxın yë ëto mötowo yë öni cukto dizel. buswen somö ü noyo cö xe yosten cö tüu xe gö oxon kon yön fölni.
goniso ü noyo cö xe si yosten cö fın dündon oxon wëloı: tömös Kiso Hıklıhos Yë Noüku Ëto. ke dënëmëk ü noyo cö xe ëo mülü ölë möi kiso sün tömös kut yë zünlo kut (wuto kut, 1930).
I am trying to find content for translating into the Hisyëö language. My thoughts might be a good starting place. No. Better to learn to make translations of much content of other writers. I only need to find a work that is free to use.
I think that I have found the correct thing for the job: Astounding Stories of Super Science. I will try to complete all the stories from the volume 1, number 1 (January 1930).